Friday, August 12, 2016

5 Atlet Tua Pemberi Inspirasi

-Lebih dari 50 tahun dan masih kuat-

Atlet muda di Olimpiade tahun ini seperti Michael Phelps dan Usain Bolt mungkin nama yang tidak asing, tapi di sini kita akan melihat para atlet yang lebih tua bahkan lebih inspiratif. Mereka juga memaksakan diri mereka untuk melampaui batas dan berada dalam bentuk terbaik dalam hidup mereka.

Berikut adalah beberapa atlet yang lebih tua yang membuktikan usia tidak bisa menjauhkan kita dari mencapai beberapa hal yang cukup luar biasa :

1. Hidekichi Miyazaki

Jika Anda berpikir memecahkan Guinness World Record itu keren, bayangkan bila anda melakukannya di usia 105 tahun. September lalu, centenarian (seseorang yang telah berumur 100 tahun atau lebih) Jepang Hidekichi Miyazaki berlari  sprint  jarak 100 meter di tempat dengan waktu tempuh 42,2 detik, membuatnya sprinter kompetitif tertua di dunia.

Tapi apa yang paling inspiratif tentang Miyazaki adalah bahwa ia bahkan tidak mulai kompetisi lari sampai umur 90-an tahun! Dengan semangat kompetitif, dia bilang dia berharap dia bisa berlari lebih cepat, tapi tidak perlu khawatir - dia masih berencana untuk terus melakukannya selama beberapa tahun.

2. Charles Eugster

Pada usia 97 tahun, Charles Eugster memiliki fisik yang patut ditiru yang Anda harapkan untuk melihat pada dekade seseorang yang lebih muda. Tapi jika Anda bertanya padanya, tidak ada alasan Anda tidak harus memiliki tubuh bugar pada usia berapa pun.

Dan ceritanya benar-benar inspiratif. Eugster adalah sprinter tercepat di dunia dalam kategori usia di atas 95 tahun, meskipun dia hanya mulai berjalan di tahun 90-an nya. Pada usia 95, ia memecahkan rekor dunia untuk lari 200 meter dalam kategori usianya. motivasinya? "Persepsi kita usia benar-benar salah ... Anda dapat memulai sesuatu yang baru pada usia berapa pun."

Berikut pencapaian yang telah didapatkan Charles Eugster :

a.    World Record holder Indoor M95 200m;        

b.    British Champion Outdoor and British Record holder 100m M95, 2014 & 2015;

c.     British Champion Outdoor and British Record holder 200m M95, 2014 & 2015;    

d.    British Champion Indoor and British Record holder 60m M95 2015;       

e.    British Champion Indoor and British Record holder 200m M95 2015,  

f.     European Champion Indoor and European Record holder 60m M95 2015;        

g.    European Champion Indoor and European Record holder 200m M95 2015;   

h.    Charles is the reigning Strenflex World Champion in the 80+ category and the holder of the Van Der Merwe Cup. 

i.      He has won over 100 rowing events, including 36 Masters Golds and he has competed three times at Henley Royal Regatta.  

3. Johanna Quaas

Johanna Quaas (berusia 91 tahun dan merupakan pensiunan Guru Olahraga) adalah pesenam (khusunya senam palang)  tertua di dunia dan masih terlihat baik mengenakan leotard (pakaian berbahan lentur untuk senam atau balet) daripada kebanyakan orang.
Ia selalu  menjaga kebugaran tubuh dengan berlatih senam dua kali seminggu dan berjalan atau berenang selama satu jam setiap hari.

4. Fred Winter

Veteran US Navy Perang Dunia Ke-2, Fred Winter dapat melakukan push-up sebanyak 100 kali setiap harinya.

Pada usia 70, Fred memutuskan ia ingin hidup sehat dan bugar. Sejak itu, warga Holland, Michigan ini telah turut serta bersaing dalam berbagai kompetisi senior dan memenangkan medali.

Fred berkompetisi di Kejuaraan Negara Bagian Michigan, memenangkan tiga medali emas untuk lari 50 meter, Tolak Peluru, dan Lempar Martil.

Dia tetap fit dengan makan makanan yang sehat, berolahraga dan berpantang merokok dan alkohol, istrinya 65 tahun, Darlene Winter, mengatakan kepada The Huffington Post. Menunya termasuk makan banyak blueberry dan ikan salmon dan keluar untuk naik sepeda roda tiga nya setidaknya sekali seminggu.

5. Lew Hollander

Pria 86 tahun ini telah menyelesaikan ujian akhir dari ketahanan dan kebugaran. Hollander memegang rekor sebagai orang tertua yang menyelesaikan kompetisi “Ironman” di usia 82 di Kailua-Kona, Hawaii, USA, pada tanggal 13 October 2012. Lew menyelesaikan pertandingannya, dengan 2.4 mil berenang, 112 mil bersepeda and a 26.2 mil lari, dalam waktu 16 jam 45 menit 52 detik..



  2. Due to the fact that they become swollen on the Hydralyft bottom of your feet and you walk on them them, these warts can become sore. Whilst they appear to be flush to the skin they can push deeper into more layers of the skin which can contribute to this discomfort. Warts are usually harmless in all other ways with only a very small risk of turning cancerous. Removing them can also cause you pain but there are treatments available for all of the 6 types of wart, of which the Plantar wart is just one. Many people today are unfortunate enough to have warts. Some even have several warts on different parts of their body. If you are one of those people, then you may well be considering having them removed. Most warts are harmless and so this is entirely a matter of choice. Whilst they pose no threat to your health you may be very unhappy about how your warts look, or even feel embarrassed.

  3. Homeopathy is also a complete Memory Hack form of natural health care. It can resolve anything from injuries to serious, chronic, degenerative disease and everything in between. Homeopathy is a highly flexible form of health care. The services of a professional homeopath are invaluable for those complicated and mental health issues. But you can also learn to use some of the common remedies in the comfort of your own home. It is very important that ADHD in the classroom be handled properly by the teachers and students alike. The school must ensure that the teachers are trained on handling a child with ADHD because the child's behavior is different and may cause problem in the classroom which could affect those around him. There must be a collaborative approach in this particular case to maintain peace and harmony among the students. The teachers and classmates must know that ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity, anger, restlessness and lack of focus cannot be controlled by the child that has this condition. Therefore, they should be more patient and understanding with the children with ADHD. The problem lies in the school's capability to finance the training of the teachers on dealing with ADHD in the classroom. Special training programs for this disorder cost a lot of money and with the present global economic recession, this issue is not a priority.

  4. It is time to hit it hard with extra hydration by moisturising your skin religiously. Make sure you use a night cream and a day cream, as they do have different ingredients in them to provide maximum nourishment. Every evening, after cleaning and toning your skin before going to bed you should use a night cream, which is a richer version of your light day cream. Try to provide your skin as much makeup-less time as possible when you are at home, so your skin has the chance to breath and to unclog its pores. No matter Hydralyft how old you are, it is always important to remember that the skin is your largest organ. It is vital to provide the well-deserved care with high quality skin care products and your best daily skin care routine. Can applying acid to your face help you look younger? Some people may think that sounds a little crazy. After all, we are generally taught that acids will burn and damage skin. But certain acids are very safe for regular use on the skin, and these acids are used during the very common aesthetic procedure called a chemical peel. Regular chemical peels are an economical and effective way to improve your skin's health and help you look your youngest.

  5. The new DSM IV labeled the disorder that had been Memory Hack previously called ADD, ADHD to reflect the fact that most people with ADHD are hyperactive. The DSM IV described three subtypes of ADHD. The hyperactive/impulsive subtype was labeled ADHD-HI, the Predominantly Inattentive subtype was labeled ADHD-PI, and the combined type was referred to as ADHD-C. Lay people, as might be expected, failed to read the DSM IV. They sometimes use the term ADD to refer to anyone with ADHD and they also sometimes use the term ADD to refer to people who are inattentive but who are not hyperactive or impulsive. Despite the fact that these two terms are used interchangeably by certain people, there is a big difference between Hyperactive/Impulsive ADHD (ADHD-HI) or Combined type ADHD (ADHD-C) and ADHD-PI. Some psychiatrist believe that ADHD-PI is so different from the other subtypes of ADHD that the American Psychiatric Association is considering removing the Predominantly Inattentive subtype from the DSM category shared by the other ADHD sub-types and assigning it a new category when it publishes the new DSM V in 2013.

  6. It's always useful to do a small Hydralyft area test before using the skin product for general use. A small sensitive patch of skin, such as behind the ears will allow you to check for reactions. If you do suffer from any kind of skin disorder then you should consider consulting with a dermatologist before using any skin care product. Always follow the manufacturers instructions when using skin products. Many manufacturers will also have useful information on their websites to help you get the most out of your skin care product. Finding a good skin care tip probably goes without saying that you want to look your best. You want clear, healthy, radiant skin and a shapely, toned body. While it might be hard to commit to eating right and exercising (at least as often as you know you should), it shouldn't be hard to take proper care of your skin, especially when you know what to look for in a good skin care regimen. After all, washing your face is likely already a part of your daily routine. Now you just need to make sure you're using the right products for your skin care needs.
